Rhythm of Growth

When we find something that works, the temptation is to grab hold of it. 

External validation feels good. And repeating what worked last time seems like a shortcut to more of the same. But it actually causes us to get stuck…because our God isn’t a god of formula. 

He makes us a new creation and invites us to create new things with him. 

God placed the need for growth within the DNA of every artist. The hunger for what's new and next is as essential to our art as oxygen to our lungs. We thrive on this rhythm of growth and we shrink when we settle for the same, safe, status quo.

True growth isn’t based on external metrics like popularity or sales—but internal growth. God is always most interested in our minds and hearts. That’s where we come to know God and ourselves in new ways…and then create in new ways with him. 

The rhythm of growth isn’t just about finding something that works and doing it endlessly. It’s about finding where God is at work and joining him there.

Order your copy of The Eden Option here.


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It’s Not You…It’s Jesus