It’s Not You…It’s Jesus

A lot of things are opposed in this world.  

Good is opposed. Peace is opposed. Freedom is opposed.  

On a more personal level, your intimacy with God is opposed. As is your God-given creativity.

But mostly, Jesus is opposed.  

Scripture is clear that Jesus is the stumbling stone to a world determined, since Eden, to make life work on its own terms. “He is the Stone that some will stumble over, and the Rock that will make them fall.” (1 Peter 2:8 TLB) 

No matter the issue or the situation, if you drill down far enough, Jesus is who this world and its powers oppose. As a representative of Jesus, you will experience opposition, rejection, and hostility as well. Don’t take it personally. It isn’t ultimately about you. They sense Jesus in and through you.

Once you understand what’s really going on, view it as a compliment. But also stay steadfast and refuse to compromise or downplay the presence of Jesus in your life and creativity.

Order your copy of The Eden Option here.


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