More Fascinated than Faithful

We aren’t asked to risk by One unfamiliar with the concept. God risks in love, and invites us to do the same.

Does that surprise you? To think otherwise would imply that somehow God requires more of us than himself. Or that we could risk better than he can or is willing to do. That’s obviously not true.

The moment God decided to create other beings and give every one of them free will, risk became a part of the universal equation. The experiment, for the most part, has been one-sided. God remains faithful while we remain fascinated with idols.

These people worship me with their mouths, and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship is based on nothing but human rules. (Isaiah 29:13 NCV)

With their mouths they tell me they love me, but their hearts desire their selfish profits. (Ezekiel 33:31 NCV)

Take time today to thank God for choosing to create and love us, in spite of the unfathomable risks he’s endured from Eden until now.

In closing, I’d like to take a risk and ask for your help in keeping these readings flowing and free for everyone. Will you consider making a financial donation today for this crowd-funded kingdom initiative HERE. For all who can, I’m grateful. It matters more than you imagine.

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The God Who Risks


Auto-Pilot Assumptions