Missing the Main Invitation

God infused you with gifts before you were born. He gave you specific passions so the two of you could pursue them together. The more you know God, the more you discover your true identity and purpose.

But “doing” isn’t the most important thing to God. He created Adam and Eve and loved them fully before they did a single thing.

It’s freeing to realize not everything is up to you. As I say in my book The Story of With, “God doesn’t need your help as much as he wants your heart. Whenever you start to focus more on your talents and gifts than on him, you miss the main invitation. Which is to pursue them together. With him.”

God values your intimacy over your productivity. Relationship over accomplishments. What is done in your own strength must be sustained by your own strength. That’s exhausting. And never produces lasting fruit. Jesus says apart from him, you can do nothing. But with him, you will bear much fruit. (John 15:5) The choice is yours.

Intimacy with God always precedes impact for God.

Order your copy of The Eden Option here.


You Vs. Yourself


For Lightning to Strike