Learning to Ask
In 2011, at a gathering in the redwoods of California, God rocked my world by speaking these words over me: “Your new mission is going after the hearts of creatives.”
Then God began opening the most unlikely doors. For me to speak and write books. That journey eventually led to these daily messages in a bottle about living and creating with the Creator.
I’ll be honest. This mission brings great joy…and requires significant time, money, and prayer. A good friend told me years ago: “Allen, you do really well at the ‘with God’ aspect of your calling. It’s the ‘with others’ part you miss. You think what God invited you to do is all up to you and forget there are kindred spirits out there who would love to help along the way. But you have to ask.”
Ouch. And true. So, though it feels a bit risky and awkward, I’m asking.
There are three tangible ways you can help fuel this movement.
First, pray for it…and for me.
Second, consider buying a few copies of The Story of With, Chaos Can’t, Waves of Creativity, The Eden Option, or Risk the Real. It’s so fun to give them away as God leads. The right book at the right moment is a beautiful way to let others know they are seen and loved.
Finally, I hope you'll choose to support this mission financially with a donation today. These readings are made possible through crowd-funded support from individuals (not corporations or ministries). Give your gift here.
My heart is to do this with God and with others. So I’m learning to ask.
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