Eliminate Hurry

When we don’t create margin in our lives, we inevitably fall into a schedule of scarcity. 

God doesn't give us more than we can do in a day. We give ourselves that burden by overcommitting until we’re overwhelmed. 

A good friend once told me, “Hurry is an attitude which comes from an agreement with a lie that God is expecting more than you can do.” Since then, I’ve been on a mission to eliminate hurry from my life. If you share that desire, I highly recommend John Mark Comer’s book, The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry

For now, here are some ways to choose a spacious life. 

Better to create more margin than more busyness. 

Better to live simply and be fully present than multi-task and be mostly absent. 

Better to walk with God than to run on empty. 

Better to slow your rhythm now than wait for the world to calm down first.  

The world will never slow down. But you can today by choosing to do less and be more. 

This reading was crafted to encourage your pursuit of story and creativity with God. Your donation makes this crowd-funded initiative possible. You can support it via PAYPAL (or by check to Allen Arnold at PO Box 62841, Colorado Springs, CO 80962).

This reading was crafted to encourage your pursuit of story and creativity with God. Your donation makes this crowd-funded initiative possible. You can support it via PAYPAL (or by check to Allen Arnold at PO Box 62841, Colorado Springs, CO 80962).

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