Is Your Creativity Successful?
This may be one of the hardest truths for an artist to hear, but I’m going to say it anyway.
The ultimate measure of your creativity isn’t success.
Kingdom creativity can’t be rightly evaluated by sales, revenue, platform, likes, good reviews, fame, or influence. So what can it be evaluated by? Keep reading.
But first, know that I’m not saying success is bad. When it happens, enjoy it. But as the iconic band 38 Special says, “hold on loosely.” Know that an external blip of victory isn’t enough to sustain your art or your heart over time. Nor is it ever the main reason to do what you're doing.
Though it’s hard to accept, no one can guarantee that any of our ventures will ever attain worldly success. Even when everything aligns, the result is short-term happiness at best. In spite of what some promise, there is no magic formula or seven steps for success.
Mastering any art form is always more costly than it first appears. And not just financially. It requires an immense amount of time, pain, and sacrifice. Along the way, it will become clear your gifting is less about you and more for others.
So rather than expect your passion to result in acclaim, validation, or income, what if you defined success as simply doing what you love with God...and that was enough? It changes everything when the goal isn’t about popularity but simply pursuing your passion with God. That alone satisfies. That alone is true success.
This daily message in a bottle is a real-life version of the four vials featured in The Story of With, providing encouragement to pursue our creativity with God. Your financial support makes this crowd-funded initiative possible. Would you consider giving a donation today via PAYPAL (or by check to Allen Arnold at PO Box 62841, Colorado Springs, CO 80962)? Every bit helps!
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