Is God Introverted or Extroverted?

We can limit our creative potential by limiting how we see ourselves.

Let me ask you a question. Are you introverted or extroverted? Before you answer (and I know you already have an answer), let me ask a few more questions. 

Is God an introvert or extrovert? How about Jesus? 

I’m guessing those questions gave you pause. Me too. Because, well, the tests are incapable of defining God and Jesus. 

Jesus savored time alone. And Jesus was also fully himself with large groups of people. God is wholly content in his own presence. And he created a world that works best when people learn how to love him and love others. By design, it’s a messy, unpredictable way for our stories to unfold. Likely not the system an introvert would create. 

God made us in his image. Jesus invites us to become more like him. But will doing so make us more introverted or more extroverted?

What I’m getting at is that something greater is at play. And definitions can be more limiting than true. Personality tests measure the status quo but can’t predict the new creation God is inviting you to be. The real test is who you’re becoming, not who you were yesterday. If a test measures your brokenness rather than your true self, the worst thing to do is tattoo those test results on your arm or your heart and believe this is who you are. 

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The Empty Auditorium