In All Things, Jesus Has First Place
Have you considered that your creative talents come from Jesus?
We saw in the last reading that if you’re in Christ, you’re a new creation (read Ready For Something New?). He recreated you and that impacts every aspect of your life…including your creativity.
Your creativity actually comes from Jesus. According to Paul, everything comes from Jesus. Here’s how he puts it: Everything comes from him. He is the first one who was raised from the dead. So in all things Jesus has first place. God was pleased for all of himself to live in Christ. And through Christ, God has brought all things back to himself again—things on earth and things in heaven. God made peace through the blood of Christ’s death on the cross. (Colossians 1:18-20 NCV)
In all things, Jesus has first place.
How can you more fully embrace this reality in your creativity??
This reading was crafted to encourage your pursuit of story and creativity with God. Your donation makes this crowd-funded initiative possible. You can support it via PAYPAL or by check (Allen Arnold at PO Box 62841, Colorado Springs, CO 80962).
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