Fools Flex, God Laughs

God has a sense of humor far superior to your favorite comedian. That shouldn’t surprise you. God invented laughter.  

Yet in this world of chaos, ego, and offense, humor seems to be off the table. Everyone is incredibly dour and serious, no longer able to laugh at the insanity around them—or themselves—anymore.

But God hasn’t lost his sense of humor. Especially for those with immense power and egos who actively oppose him. He doesn’t lose sleep over these flexing fools. He laughs at them. 

The Lord is laughing at those who plot against the godly, for he knows their judgment day is coming. Evil men take aim to slay the poor; they are ready to butcher those who do right. But their swords will be plunged into their own hearts, and all their weapons will be broken. (Psalm 37:12-15. TLB) 

What fools the nations are to rage against the Lord! How strange that men should try to outwit God! For a summit conference of the nations has been called to plot against the Lord and his Messiah, Christ the King. “Come, let us break his chains,” they say, “and free ourselves from all this slavery to God.” But God in heaven merely laughs! He is amused by all their puny plans. And then in fierce fury he rebukes them and fills them with fear. (Psalm 2:1-5 TLB)

Want More? Order your copy of Chaos Can’t here.


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