Don’t Go Numb

It’s impossible to get through the day without being bombarded with the accelerating trauma of this fallen world. We encounter it with those we know and love as well as on the news and social media. 

The world is unraveling, chaos is everywhere, and evil is rampant. It’s almost too much for our hearts to bear. So over time, we tend to check out. We lower our hopes rather than have them dashed once again. We simply try to get through the day rather than ask God to help us change the atmosphere for good. 

Eventually, we go numb.

If that’s how you feel, allow me to be a voice in the wilderness for you. 

WAKE UP SLEEPER! Don’t let the enemy or this world lull you into passivity or acceptance of the status quo. 

You were born for such a time as this. So shake off the fog. Reawaken your heart. Embrace your Eden desires. Dare to hope again. 

There is an essential role in this Story you have to play. Not next year or one day...but now. 

“Awake, O sleeper, rise up from the dead, and Christ will give you light.” (Ephesians 5:14 NLT)

Want More? Order your copy of The Eden Option here.


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