Every Option Isn’t Equal

A high-school senior recently stated how she was trying to figure out which college to attend. I was about to offer a few thoughts on how she might approach the decision with God when she quickly added, “It’s fine. I’ve got lots of options and no wrong choices.”

That might be a great saying for a wall plaque but it doesn’t ring true. Certain options really are better than others. Jesus isn’t obligated to equally bless our every decision...especially if we leave him out of the process.

There’s actually a way to walk with God where he reveals solutions we could never come up with or figure out in our own strength.

Call to Me, and I will answer you. I will tell you of great things, things beyond what you can imagine, things you could never have known. (Jeremiah 33:3 VOICE)

This doesn’t tend to be the normal operating procedure for us...but it is with God. Counting the costs isn’t about making a pro / con list based on our limited knowledge of the future. Nor does it involve going through whatever door happens to open first. God doesn’t have to show up when we make decisions in those ways.

Instead, call to God early on in the simple and complex decisions you face. And he will show you solutions beyond your wildest imagination.

In closing, I’d like to take a risk and ask for your help in keeping these readings flowing and free for everyone. Will you consider making a financial donation today for this crowd-funded kingdom initiative HERE. For all who can, I’m grateful. It matters more than you imagine.

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