Curiosity Drives Creativity

Curiosity drives creativity.

Big questions start the best quests. Wonder sparks the imagination. Asking “What if?” and “Why?” opens our eyes to see the world, and ourselves, in new ways.

Create to know rather than to be known. The drive for fame is never a good driver of creativity.  

Staying curious keeps your canvas fresh. When you think you have all the answers, you miss the chance to learn, think new thoughts, or be surprised. When you try to be the smartest person in the room,  your creativity shrinks. That’s because you grow by asking good questions, staying curious, and retaining a sense of childlike wonder.

So take the pressure off yourself to create from a place of answers. Or to feel disqualified until you have it all figured out. 

Instead, free your art by letting it reflect your current journey of questions and discovery.

Want more? Order your copy of Waves of Creativity today!


The Canvas as a Mirror


The Hearts of Creatives