Comparison Kills Creativity

We are drawn to kindred spirits who have similar creative gifts. We understand the beauty, the talent, and the sacrifices required to excel in those specific arenas. 

But what starts as appreciation or inspiration can turn to comparison if we begin to measure our progress by their success.

Ignore that pull. Unless you are trying to imitate another artist, you aren't competing with them. Each of you has a unique voice. A distinct way of bringing something new to life. So don't measure yourself by what others create. Or get stuck on a treadmill chasing their version of success. That art is based on their journey. Not yours. 

Pursue your passion with fierce intentionality based on what makes you come alive. Keep your eyes on God rather than how fast others are running to their dreams. Because comparison kills creativity. And another person’s victory is hard to celebrate when it is interpreted as your loss

Your creativity isn’t a race. You aren’t in competition with others. So cheer them on as you pursue the unique dreams and passion God has given you.

The goal isn’t to get somewhere fast or first. But to arrive fully you.

Want more? Order your copy of Waves of Creativity Today!


Never Completely Ready


Hurry is an Attitude