Art From an Awakened Heart

Nothing causes our internal flame to dampen quicker than when we lose heart. And we live in a world that constantly comes after our hearts. It’s almost impossible to get through a day without hearing more devastating developments—whether at home, work, or on the evening news. But the strikes are also personal. The true story we were born for is being attacked, bent, and warped in ways like never before.

You can't make another heart beat faster if yours has flat-lined. If you sense you are trying to make it through this life with a broken or numb heart, know that Jesus wants to heal it. When asked what his mission was, Jesus quoted this passage from Isaiah 61:1: “I’ve come to heal the brokenhearted and to set the captives free.” He cares tremendously about your heart. Because it is at the epicenter of all we are and do. The heart is the wellspring of life. As Proverbs 4:23 says, everything we do flows—or doesn't—from it.

If you’ve recently lost heart, allow me to be a voice in the wilderness for you. Wake up, sleeper. Dare to hope again. Stay expectant for what God is up to around you and within you. And remember—there is an essential role for you to play…because you are here for such a time as this (see Esther 4:14).

One last thought. If today’s reading resonated, take a moment now to email or share it with a fellow creative, friend or family member who could use the encouragement.

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