A Fresh Start

We could all use a fresh start. Some days, I need more than one!

That’s why I totally resonate with this powerful request the psalmist asks God:

God, make a fresh start in me, shape a Genesis week from the chaos of my life. (Psalm 51:10 MSG)

His pleas are our plea. God, give us a fresh start. Relief from the chaos. Hope for the future. A new beginning. Turn the disorder to order . . . within us.

And, according to the psalmist, how does God do that?

Through a Genesis week.

This phrase doesn’t just signify a minor improvement to our situation. It compares the fresh start God has for us to the greatest act of creation…ever. A fresh start that has the power of the ocean. Of wild stallions. Of mighty mountains.

He offers to bring life into the empty, void places in us through his extravagant, abundant creativity.

Yes, God! Give us a fresh start. Fill the chaos of our lives with the power of your Genesis creativity.

Want more? Order your copy of Chaos Can't today!


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Collaboration, Not Isolation