A Captain You’d Follow Anywhere
Imagine you’re on a ship and the captain suddenly announces, “We’re about to hit an iceberg!” That’s accurate information, but it stirs panic rather than hope.
Now imagine a different captain who says, “In this water, there will be icebergs.” He’s giving his passengers a heads-up to the dangers—and a hope. He’s aware of trouble yet is also calm. You sense he knows how to navigate it.
In that context, listen to these words of Jesus: In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. (John 16:33 NIV)
Jesus says we are to take heart because he already has overcome the entire world. It’s the difference between a ship’s captain saying, “In this sea are icebergs, but don’t worry” and, “Don’t worry, because I’ve already overcome this entire sea.”
You’re drawn to the captain who says he’s already overcome the sea. That’s a captain you’d follow anywhere. Your hope isn’t based on the ship. Or a smooth sea. But entirely on the captain.
Jesus is that captain times infinity. And he hasn’t just overcome the sea…but the world. He is our anchor. No matter what happens, we remain with him. Because to him, we are far more than passengers. We are sons and daughters of God.
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