You Can’t Do It All

You can do a lot. But you can’t do it all.

The world says otherwise. It dangles endless choices before us. We’re encouraged to do more, say more, try more, and achieve more. The posters at the gym where I work out proclaim: “You Can Do It All.” It plays to the illusion that we really can do it all and have it all if we just somehow learn to balance everything in our lives perfectly (or maybe join the right health club).

“You Can Do It All.”

Except . . . you can’t. It’s not only impossible. It’s cruel to even hold that out as the ideal.

You can put your family life above work. Or you can give your job top priority. You can overcommit and give many things a small piece of yourself. Or you can choose a life of simplicity. You can master a skill through patient dedication. Or you can let social media consume your day. But you can’t balance the above items, much less everything else in your life.

And why is balance the goal anyway?

The art of soul care involves regularly saying "no" to many things so you can say "yes" to the people and projects that matter most. "Getting it all done" isn't a realistic option. "Being fully present when it counts" is.

This daily message in a bottle is a real-life version of the four vials featured in The Story of With, providing encouragement to pursue our creativity with God. Your financial support makes this crowd-funded initiative possible. Would you consider giving a donation today via PAYPAL (or by check to Allen Arnold at PO Box 62841, Colorado Springs, CO 80962)? Every bit helps!

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The Unbalanced Life


The Future You