Who’s On The Fringe?

A friend recently made the comment that believers have been moved to the fringes of culture. But he has it backwards. Culture’s the one who moved, not believers. 

Adam and Eve, when they chose to pursue life apart from God, didn’t just lose everything. They also had a location change from the center of Paradise to a home outside of Eden. A life on the fringe. And to this day, humanity continues to try and recreate reality without the Creator.  

Yet through all our restless wanderings, God didn’t go anywhere. He remains at the epicenter of reality. He is the only constant. 

So don’t be disoriented when culture claims wherever they are is ground zero and anyone who disagrees is on the periphery.  When we are with God, we aren’t on the fringe. We are at the center of the original true story…even as others move farther from it.  

That’s not a fringe theory. It’s reality.

Want More? Order your copy of The Eden Option here.


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