We Need God…and Others

Even after we step into the Freedom Realm, the enemy will taunt us and try to cause us to forget our true identity. His primary strategy is to isolate us from God . . . and each other. 

The enemy does this by clouding our view of reality. Though God and others remain beside us, we begin to lose sight of them. Worse, we start to think we don’t need them.

In the Orphan Realm, we learned to only rely on our own strength. To hide our shortcomings. To win at all costs. It never worked.

The Freedom Realm reminds us we are not alone. That God is with us. That other kindred spirits are on the journey with us. 

We need relationship with God. And we need relationship with others. Settling for either—or neither—is less than what we were created for.

What clears the fog is a steadfast decision to stay in fellowship with God and others. Even when we don’t feel like it. Especially when we don’t feel like it. We must stay on guard. Because the enemy always opposes freedom…even in the Freedom Realm. 

Want more?  Order your copy of The Story of With today!


Expectancy and Expectations


The Freedom Realm