Time to Brake or Accelerate?

I have a friend who wholeheartedly embraces the ongoing advances in artificial intelligence. When I asked her why, she shared her belief that Christians have always been slow to embrace new technology and opportunities. She doesn’t want to make the same mistake when it comes to AI.

She then offered an example from the past, saying if believers had engaged more fully in the early days of Hollywood, we would now have more high-quality movies and music with a faith component. Instead, Christians who refused to be part of the process simply lost their place at the entertainment industry table.

I understand her concerns. But I believe it’s an unfair overgeneralization.

Christians have often been the first to embrace new technology. Early hospitals and universities—many still here hundreds of years later—were initiated by believers.

The issue today isn’t that when it comes to AI we’re putting the brakes on too soon. It’s that no one is slowing down the meteoric acceleration of the Machine. Instead, we’ve agreed to go along for the ride in a self-driving car, with no idea where its taking us.

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