The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

My all-time favorite movie is The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. It’s the story of a man who lives more in his head than in reality. He works at Life magazine yet he has no life. Until he’s caught up in an adventure that requires more of him than he thinks possible.

His quest is to find a missing negative for the cover of the last print issue of Life magazine. But that’s just the surface adventure. A far greater invitation awaits through a forgotten adventure journal from his dad that Walter hasn’t opened since boyhood. The inscription inside says, Have Fun — Dad. Yet all the pages are still blank. Because up to this point, the only risks Walter has taken are in his imagination.

This rediscovered adventure journal—along with his father’s words—become the catalyst for stepping into a real-life adventure that’s greater than anything he could have ever imagined.

I encourage you to watch or re-watch the movie—this time from a more mythic perspective. See your life as an adventure with God. Consider how many pages have remained blank for far too long. Then get an adventure journal, even if it’s just a spiral notebook. On the first inside page, write the words from Walter’s dad (Have Fun – Dad).

Carry your journal with you wherever you go. Stay expectant for how God will fill the blank pages with a story beyond your wildest dreams. Oh, and remember to have fun along the way as you step into the life you were made for…with your Creator and Father.

One last thought. If today’s reading resonated, take a moment now to email or share it with a fellow creative, friend or family member who could use the encouragement.

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