The Atmosphere You’re Creating

Imagine being with God at the birth of our universe…a witness to the first stars, the wildflowers, the stallions, the oceans, humpback whales, ladybugs, redwood trees, snowflakes, and waterfalls.

Do these creations strike you as the works of a hesitant creator?

Proverbs 8:22-23 (NLT) gives us a beautiful glimpse of creation through the personification of Lady Wisdom. So much is happening here. But don’t miss this. Wisdom was already with God before creation…there from eternity, before the world began.

“The Lord formed me from the beginning,
   before he created anything else.
I was appointed in ages past,
   at the very first, before the earth began.”

A little later, in verses 29-31, we get a taste of what it’s like to be around God as he creates.

When he marked off the earth’s foundations,
I was the architect at his side.
I was his constant delight,
   rejoicing always in his presence.
And how happy I was with the world he created;
   how I rejoiced with the human family!

What’s often missed is that during creation, God didn’t just create things. His presence created an atmosphere as well.

Lady Wisdom is right there at God’s side. She doesn’t experience him as an irritated expert grinding out his complex work with a “Do Not Disturb” sign demanding she keep her distance. Far from it! He’s vibrant, welcoming, and enthusiastic. The atmosphere of creation resembles a dance of delight that he invites her to be part of. Lady Wisdom loves being in his presence. The atmosphere is contagious because of who God is and how he creates. She enters it—playful, happy, and expectant for what will come next.

What is the atmosphere around you as you create? It’s worth asking because it matters immensely. Constantly complaining creatives are creating the wrong thing. But those who create an atmosphere of joy, wonder, and awe set the stage in a way that leads to creations of abundance—while inviting others to join in the dance of creation.

Want more? Order your copy of Chaos Can't today!


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If You Want to Know a Creator