Test Flight

As our kids consider what to pursue—whether in younger years or after high school—take the pressure off them.  

Consider this chapter of their life a test flight.  

Ask what makes their heart come alive. Their entire future doesn't depend on one test, one college, or one job. Just because you went to college doesn’t mean they should. Don’t discourage them from what they’re drawn to just because you’re worried they can’t make a living from it. That’s what parents of artists have worried about for centuries. But when God gives someone a talent or passion, it’s for a reason. Explore that with them. Dream with them. Ask God about it with them. 

See these years as a test flight. Don’t weigh them down with your expectations or fears. Sure, give them advice. But make sure it’s grounded in love more than fear. And while you’re giving advice, also give them a runway and a chance to stretch their wings.  

Though we tend to forget, it’s how we learned to fly. And with or without us, it’s how they’ll learn to fly.

Want more? Order your copy of The Story of With today!


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