
When it comes to artificial intelligence and Chat GPT, I’m astonished at how many people are overeager to embrace the technology, unaware of the dangers, and overconfident in their ability to use it for good. 

That’s not just naïve. When it comes to A.I., it’s woefully n(AI)ve. 

Like kids in a candy store, we’re enamored with each new breakthrough—from 5G towers in our neighborhoods to using our palms to pay for groceries to smart homes whose thermostats and door locks can be controlled (or hacked) remotely. All of it is so convenient. What could possibly go wrong? 

We’ve let our guards down for a variety of reasons. The realist, perhaps reluctantly, accepts that A.I. is already upon us. We must acclimate or become irrelevant. Perhaps they relate to the sentiment of a recent Twitter banner: “A.I. will not replace humans. But humans with A.I. will replace humans without A.I.” Then there’s the pragmatist who views A.I. as no big deal. They put it in the same category as every other past technological advance—like the shift from trains to planes or vinyl albums to digital music. 

Perhaps the most troubling mindset, however, belongs to the overconfident user. They fancy themselves  wise enough to draw the line between how to use A.I. for good and when to avoid it. They treat A.I. as a neutral tool—like bricks that can be used to build a hospital or a drug house. 

The developers of A.I. aren’t so naïve. To understand the deeper consequences, I hope you’ll watch this video from the creators of The Social Dilemma athttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xoVJKj8lcNQ. It was featured in my May 1 reading Giant Reality Collapse. 

Since Eden, humanity has believed we can use the Tree of Knowledge for our benefit, cherry-picking what’s helpful while avoiding the obvious bad fruit. It never works.  

As this world grows more artificial, our only hope is to pursue the real in every area of our lives—starting with God and his Tree of Life. Anything less would be n(AI)ve.

Want More? Order your copy of The Eden Option here.




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