It Is What It Is

One of my dad’s expressions was “It is what it is.” The older I get, the less I like that phrase. Because the words convey a sense of insurmountable inevitability. 

Perhaps my dad was simply trying to be realistic by naming the problem. From his perspective, there just wasn’t another option or outcome. Mine as well face it and name it for what it is. 

But let’s not confuse naming and accepting.

God doesn’t want us to simply accept the times or situations of this world. He gives us the authority to change things for the better…with him. 

That’s what happens in every story we love from Scripture. Water is what it is…until Jesus turns it to wine. The sea is just something you sink in…until Peter walks on it. A fiery furnace consumes whoever is thrown in it…until when Jesus appears in the flames with us. In other words, things never have to remain just what they are because God is continually creating, redeeming, and transforming.

For the situation you’re facing now, fight the temptation to shrug, sigh, and accept it. Yes, in this second, it is what it is. But only until you pray and bring heaven to earth.  

There’s no way to know upfront how things will change. But one thing’s for certain. Once you give it to God and follow his lead, no one and nothing will be what it was…including you.

Order your copy of Chaos Can’t here.


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