Get To The Right Person

There’s nothing quite like the frustration of spending endless hours trying to resolve an unfair situation and getting nowhere. Especially when it involves hours of being on-hold with one smooth jazz song regularly interrupted by a robot voice informing you that “call volume is higher than usual.” 

When you finally make it to a real person, they often inform you there’s nothing more that can be done. At that point, don’t give up, blow up at them, or self-destruct. You have to make it through this first “no.” 

If you’re willing to stay calm, kind, and tenacious, good results can happen. How does this look? I begin (while I’m on hold) by inviting God into the process. I ask him to guide me to the right person for a fair resolution. 

Through countless experiences, I’ve found that in almost every organization there’s at least one person who cares. The adventure is finding them. It usually isn’t the first person you talk to…because they have little vested interest or empowerment to make the necessary decision. So if that conversation isn’t going anywhere, I politely say, “I completely understand there’s nothing more you can do. That’s why I need you to transfer me to a supervisor who has the authority to do more.”  

Yes, it takes patience and time to go with this approach. It’s rarely efficient. But if you stay with it and follow God’s lead, you’ll be surprised at the ways he works all things for good. 

You just have to stay calm, kind, and tenacious while he gets you to the right person.

Order your copy of Chaos Can’t here.


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