Better Than a Map

How do we get from where we are…to where we want to be?

Because no matter where we find ourselves, it seems we're not quite where we want to be. Or fully who we are meant to be.

A map would be helpful. Especially from God. In our more honest moments, we wonder why he doesn’t make our lives simpler by just telling us all we need to know, preferably before we’re facing that hard decision or challenge.

It's natural to desire that. The problem comes when we want answers more than we want God. Because then our goal becomes to just make life work. With God if possible. But the focus is on finding our way. Thankfully, God offers another way.

Better than any map, God gives us himself.

Better than any plan, he gives us his presence.

Moses understood this concept. When tasked with taking the Israelites into unknown territory, he refused to do so unless God went with him. The wise prophet told God he’d rather call the entire trip off than do it alone (Exodus 33).

Imagine if we took the same approach, refusing to enter into any project or adventure without God. Because more than answers or an outcome, we crave his presence along the way.

Want more? Order your copy of The Story of With today!


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